Heres a quick SPARQL snippet to get a list of the worlds Newspapers along with their political stance. It is only a quick one, with a bit more work its possible to get the English titles of the Newspapers and the Political stances.
SELECT ?Newspaper ?Stance WHERE {
?Newspaper rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Newspaper;
<> ?Stance}
Plug that into the DBPedia SPARQL interface:
and get out the result for newspapers and their political perspective.
Tada! Quick bit of Semantic Web goodness!
[update]fixed evil wordpress formatting on part of my sparql query[/update]
SemanticBible Linked Data: Version Alpha 1
I am very very pleased to announce something which I have been working on for a while which is the transformation of SemanticBible into Linked Data. Please be aware that this a very early version at the moment, and so if you see it break when you are looking around then I’m probably improving and enhancing it.
More information (and recent update information) is available on the Linked Data SemanticBible about page. But here’s a quote from it for you:
SemanticBible is an online Semantic Web version of the Bible, it has lots of facts and figures about the Christian sacred texts. Please do have a browse around.
A Brief History
SemanticBible started life as a project by Sean Boisen over at, but Daniel Lewis and his colleagues at OpenLink Software decided to help Sean out by providing a Linked Data based approach. The outcome was this service.
Starting URIs:
- : The Composite Gospel : holds information about the stories in the Gospels
- :New Testament Individuals : holds information about people and places referenced in the New Testament
- : The Composite Gospel Ontology : the vocabulary for describing the stories in the Gospel
- : The New Testament Names Ontology : The vocabulary for describing the people and places referenced in the New Testament
As I said before, do expect it to break randomly…. but if it seems like theres something not quite right, or if you have any feature requests that you wish to add then do email my work email ( dlewis[at]openlinksw[dot]com ) or skype me ( daniel.lewis ).