I have finally reached 5000 words of my project. In fact I am upto 5369 to be precise, I have less than a month to go until I have to hand the project report in, and the week after I will have to demonstrate the software I am creating to accompany it.
(Also upgraded wordpress to 2.1.1, if there is any problems let me know)
Right, got to go make a cuppa for Beki and me.
Technorati Tags: project, dissertation, undergraduate, oxfordbrookes
I feel so busy at the moment.
- wxCocoa work (which is being counted as a module for my undergraduate degree)
- Project/Dissertation (almost half way through the final report)
- University Modules (I only have two, but they seem to be really interesting and I really want and need to do well in them)
- Vanir Systems work, two of my clients websites are 99% done, and they are never quite reaching 100%. They will be done, and I am calling for help to my girlfriend (for the database work) and my dad (for the graphics work).
- Job Hunting - Got the online tests to do, and possibly going to have face-to-face interviews in the near future. (Then if I manage to get a job then I will need to find a place to rent, wherever I end up working)
- I need to sort out Brookes Computing Society, its crumbling a little. Luckily the wxCocoa project and the strong links with the department are keeping it afloat at the moment. But Beki and I are planning events (both social, academic and just-plain-fun)
So there we have it, my head is whirling around and around with confusion and noisufnoc.
Right, back to Vanir Systems work.
Why are Refill Pads called “Refill Pads”?
Beki and I really have no idea why? Are we just being blonde (although Beki is a brunette (currently with blonde bits)) (in the stereotypical sense)?
- my first attempted answer was that the paper is used to refill your printer, but that can’t be right as Refill Pads are usually full of lined paper…. so wrong answer there.
Technorati Tags: paper, refill, pads
So I have had two telephone interviews (two different companies) for graduate jobs today:
- At 11am, lasted about 40 minutes… was mostly a “competency interview”style conversation. It went really well. At the end of the telephone interview, she said that I had succeeded - I am very pleased because this company is a really good company that have interests similar to mine. I am through to the next stage where I will have to pass online verbal reasoning and numeracy tests. If I pass the next stage then I will have to go through an in-person interview and give a presentation on my final year project.
- At 2pm, lasted about 25 minutes… this was partially a”competency interview” and partially a personality interview. It didn’t go as well as my the one at 11am, but it was ok. She did not say whether I had succeeded or not, she did say that she will finish off the notes and then make a decision. If I do succeed, then like the other company I will also have to do online verbal reasoning and numeracy tests. I hope I do, so I can undertake yet more tests (of which I have done before in the graduate assessment centre that I went to a few weeks ago). I was feeling quite tired in this interview, hopefully that didn’t have too much of an effect.
Either company would be good to work for, I have applied for a few more companies, but haven’t heard anything from them. I am also in contact with another company, dealing with something else at the moment, but it would be pretty good to work for them too.
Wish me luck for my graduate job hunt.
(And of course, I will keep my Vanir Systems project going in the background no-matter where I am working/studying/living next)
Ciao for now
If anyone would like to buy THIS for me for my birthday. I would be very greatful
All new Vanir Systems website is now available:
Go there - You can even buy hosting online now! It rocks!
Technorati Tags: vanirsystems, vanir, webhosting, webdevelopment, web
Here is a comparison between some system implementations of wxStaticText::GetLabel.
Code is taken from the CVS for 2.8.2 Pre-release, but should not be different for 2.8.0 (and we will probably be moving to 2.8.2 soon anyway)
click here if you can’t see the above iframe
This is a post for the wxCocoa@Brookes team.
I love you Beki, very very much.
I am in love with Rebecca (Beki), and I would like to tell the whole world (the blogosphere will have to do).
- 1 Baileys Mini (or 71ml of standard Baileys)
- Splash of Semi-Skimmed Milk
- 1 teaspoon of instant coffee (preferably fairtrade, and organic if you can)
- Hot (pre-boiled) water
- Pack of HobNobs
- Pour the baileys into a mug
- Pour the spash of milk into the mug, and stir a bit
- Spoon the coffee granules in (your mug should be about half full / half empty, depending on if you are a optimist or a pessimist)
- When the water has finished boiling, pour into the cup upto the rim
- Stir, or if you have a frother, then froth it!
- Get a HobNob out of the packet of HobNobs - and dunk - and eat
- Enjoy!
Beware the above recipe is alcoholic, and should be tried by anyone who is over 18 (in UK, other countries/provinces have different age limits - contact your council if you are not sure) and not a teetotaler - Remember Respect Alcohol, Respect Yourself (drinkaware)
Technorati Tags: baileys, coffee, baileyscoffee, acoholicrecipes, HobNobs
(HobNobs is a product of McVities, Daniel takes no responsibility for the deliciousness of HobNobs (or any other responsibility))
(Baileys is a product of Bailey and Co, Daniel takes no responsibility for the effects of Baileys (or any other responsibility))
(Drink safely, respect yourself and respect your body. Daniel takes no responsibility for the use of this recipe, or for you getting drunk)