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# Stag Party?

Personal, religious, spiritual @ 04 August 2009

Hi all,

As many of you will know - I’ll be getting married next year. I’m actually in the process of considering my own “stag party”, but it’ll have to be very very me, which is a celebration of my non-married life, and a celebration of my forthcoming married life.

Therefore I am considering something spiritually uplifting. Something really special for me. Potentially a retreat of some kind, which may involve high elements of spiritual exploration. Both London and Glastonbury have come to mind, but it’s the finer details of what I’d like to do if I go there…. potentially: visit various religious services (Christian, Mystic and otherwise), visit masonic meetings (not just craft-masonry) and do some deep meditation.

Its really quite appealing to me, and what I’d do is probably detail what I’d be doing and when and where, so that anybody who is interested and wants to celebrate/explore with me can do so if they so wish.

Any thoughts/ideas about the specifics of what I could do would be appreciated.

5 Responses to “Stag Party?”

  1. Tom Says:

    > potentially: visit various religious services (Christian, Mystic and
    > otherwise), visit masonic meetings (not just craft-masonry) and do
    > some deep meditation.

    what for?

    For your new life, you might drop all your spirits, religions and mystic to your trash bin and start a new life free of such things. That’s only my advice.

  2. daniel Says:

    Hi Tom,

    I know what your saying. But such things make me very very happy, and feel very liberated. If you see some of my previous posts you’ll notice that I would never force such things on to other people. My thoughts are just let people be - as long as they are working within the rights of everyone. As I am not infringing on anyone elses life with my spiritual or mystical life then I see no harm in it.

    Cheers for your advice though :-)

  3. Tom Says:

    Hope you didn’t see my comment as disrespectful. Respect the rights of others is peace. I only wanted to give you my point of view.

    Anyway, congratulations for your wedding. Be happy.

    PS: keep the hard job in the semweb area.

  4. Hazey Says:

    Does the best man get to come along to stag celebrations? :)
    I’d love to do some kind of retreat/spiritual tour, and I’m still yet to visit Glastonbury - I’ve heard from lots of people that it is wonderful.

  5. daniel Says:

    Hey Hazel…. of course the best (wo)man gets to come along to the celebrations. We’ll do some sorting out at some point!
    Talk soon :-)

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