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# Google Office

technological, web 2.0 @ 03 December 2008

Random thought:

If the Google Docs system interfaced directly with your hard drive (but still through the browser, potentially running locally) would you use it over OpenOffice / Microsoft Office?

I think it might be quite good. I’ve used Google Docs quite a lot recently, but find it a bit of a nuisance the files aren’t directly on my hard drive.

I’d be interested in hearing other peoples views.

2 Responses to “Google Office”

  1. MJ Ray Says:

    No. In general, Google is already too dominant and letting them read/write my hard drive sounds like a bad idea.

  2. Simon Scarfe Says:

    I’d like it if it interfaced somehow with Dropbox, which is essentially now my interface between “the cloud” (eurgh) and my computer. In fact, this is probably do-able using the respective APIs.

    I do something similar with GMail now in that a cronjob pulls the latest posts into my dropbox folder every 10 minutes, giving me a local and remote copy of all of my emails.

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