Please note that this is my old blog, to My New Blog is available at

This blog is kept here for archival reasons as it has a lot of interesting old posts that I am sure people would find useful

Right, its not terribly new news. But I thought I would comment on it anyway, the guys at Sun said: THIS

So I commented on their blog: HERE

Hopefully we can sway Sun to change their minds about the Java choice - but then they are the makers of Java. I think a lot of Mac developers realise that a Cocoa build is a lot more beneficial to a development company than a Carbon build. If you have any thoughts about my opinion then please comment, if you have comments about the OpenOffice Aqua then comment on the Sun blog.

Talk soon,


Technorati Tags: macosx, openoffice, aqua, cocoa, objectivec

wxCocoa @ 30 March 2007, “1 Comment”


Here is how to compile (preconfigured) mac/carbon build source (all done in terminal):

cd ~/wx/wxwidgets/build-mac-release/ && make

Here is how to compile (preconfigured) mac/carbon Widgets Demo (all done in terminal):

cd ~/wx/wxwidgets/build-mac-release/samples/widgets && make

You can then go into the build-mac-release/samples/widgets directory using Finder, double click on widgets (or to load up the wxMac widgets demo implementation.

Here is how to compile (preconfigured) cocoa build (all done in terminal):

cd ~/wx/wxwidgets/build-cocoa-release/ && make

Here is how to compile (preconfigured) cocoa Widgets Demo (all done in terminal):

cd ~/wx/wxwidgets/build-cocoa-release/samples/widgets && make

You can then go into the build-cocoa-release/samples/widgets directory using Finder, double click on widgets (or to load up the wxCocoa widgets demo implementation.

Feel free to ask any questions on here.

The wxCocoa project is really going strong now. The team at Brookes are really doing well, we have squashed plenty of bugs and we are on track for getting wxWidgets for Cocoa functional for use in professional (proprietary and open source) software by this Summer!

How cool is that!!!!

However, one thing disappoints me about the project, it promotes the use of C++ over Objective-C… and because of this project I have found a love for Objective-C. I would not want to see Objective-C disappear because of C++. So, I would like to say the following:

Do look into using wxWidgets, it is a great library very useful for cross-platform development. It has strong base for developing user apps in C++ and in Python, and some other languages can be used with it too (Ruby and Haskell come into mind).

But if you want to program in Objective-C, but you want the application to work cross-platform… then have a look at GNUStep. It has a similar history as Apple Cocoa, and is so similar that you can write programs using objective-c and compile them using both GNUStep and Cocoa. But using GNUStep you get Cross-Platform ability.

Technorati Tags: wxwidgets, wxcocoa, cocoa, gnustep, objc, brookescomputingsociety, oxfordbrookes, oxford

Here is a comparison between some system implementations of wxStaticText::GetLabel.
Code is taken from the CVS for 2.8.2 Pre-release, but should not be different for 2.8.0 (and we will probably be moving to 2.8.2 soon anyway)

click here if you can’t see the above iframe

This is a post for the wxCocoa@Brookes team.

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