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# Building Semantic Web CRUD operations using PHP

Good News!

My second article through IBM developerWorks has been published! (there are one or two things wrong with this article, I won’t say anything about it for now and will try to rectify it asap!)

It’s titled “Building Semantic Web CRUD operations using PHP” (<- click the title to go read it). It’s essentially about showing:

  • The similarities and differences between the Relational Database Model and the Resource Description Framework model.
  • The similarities and differences between SQL and SPARQL.
  • How to implement SPARQL calls for Creation, Reading, Updation and Deletion (CRUD) operations using PHP.

After a bit of toying with it (keep at it, because it will be challenging but worth it!), you should be able to build your Web Application with RDF and SPARQL manipualtion.

If anyone has any questions about it (or about my previous developerWorks article which was titled “Intelligent Agents and the Semantic Web“) then please do let me know.

Oh yeah, by the way… both of my articles so far have been “featured” articles on the IBM developerWorks front page :-P


3 Responses to “Building Semantic Web CRUD operations using PHP”

  1. Warren Yoder Says:

    I read this post through the RSS feed, then opened my Twine feed and saw it posted by another Twiner. The echo on my information flow is growing. (And more people are reading your stuff.)

  2. babu Says:

    you’re giving the basic knowledge in mvc but for larger system

  3. daniel Says:

    Hi Babu
    I did indeed discuss MVC very briefly. MVC is ideal for large systems, it’s a case of divide and conquer. MVC is not essential for web development, but it definitely helps! In respect with the article, you do not need to know anything about MVC to be able to develop a SPARQL based CRUD system in PHP.
    I hope that answers your question…. if it was a question.

    Many many thanks,

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