After a brief IRC discussion with Danny Ayers and his blog post “Easy microformat authoring“. I decided to take it upon myself to create a CSS file with all of the hCard (Microformats) properties, and so here it is: hcard.css
You can use it as a template for when you want to give your hCard data some style, or you can use it in Amaya Web Editor to autogenerate class names ready for “Easy microformat authoring”.
If anyone spots anything wrong with the file then do let me know and I’ll modify it.
Thank you,
- Amaya Web Editor/Browser
- hCard Specification and Cheatsheet
- My hCard CSS File Template
- Microformats Home Page
Technorati Tags: microformats, hcard, amaya, semanticweb, authoring, easy
Today has been one of those days which you get when you are in the computing industry, you go to do one thing and you can’t because there is something in the way. Its happened so many times, quite disruptive.
Hi all,
I’ve been a bit out of it this week because of finding out about the Dilated Cardiomyopathy, but I’m getting back on track, catching up with a lot of work. I’ve also been doing a lot of walks, during some of these walks I have been pondering Philosophy… some of the things I have been thinking about include:
- my own definition of what the Soul is, and how it fits in with Mind-Body-Spirit philosophy
- being a wisdom seeker, what wisdom is made from, and how an Intelligent Agent would achieve wisdom
- collective consciousness and if/how it fits into the modern major religions
- being Christian and achieving Christian Unity
- mysticism, pluralism and universalism
- the relationship between population and technology advancement
I am currently developing an interesting tutorial which covers Virtuoso, SPARQL, MediaWiki, Wikipedia and Linked Data. This will be coming soon.
Just a short post right now, I’m sure you’ll get a longer one soon!
I have been mulling over whether to make this post or not, and I decided that I will, so here we are.
I had to go to hospital yesterday for various scans to check whether I had something or not (I’ll get onto this “something” in a minute). My mother and sister were both diagnosed with it a few months ago, and it was recommended that I get checked, so I did. Its rather unfortunate to say that I have got this “something”.
What is this something?
This something is Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy.

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease of the heart muscle that causes the heart to become enlarged and to pump less strongly
{image and quote are from The Cardiomyopathy Association website: (a registered charity)}
Luckily, my heart is not as severe as it could be and I will be going onto long-term medication to help my heart. I don’t exhibit any major symptoms, but it is clear that I have it from my irregular pulse, and by looking at the Echocardiogram results.
Treatment & Care
- I will soon be taking an ACE Inhibitor and mild Beta-Blocker daily. (Doctor recommendation)
- I will need to get a bit more fit, but without doing very stressful exercise. I’ll probably do more yoga at home, and continue doing as much walking as I can. (Probably good thing, which I have needed to do for a long time)
- I will be making sure that I do meditation and giving myself Reiki Self-Treatments. (My own recommendation)
- Taking CoQ10 (a.k.a. Coenzyme Q10) daily. (My own recommendation, based on research into Complementary Therapy)
- Keep a low alcohol consumption. Reduce Caffeine in-take. Continue to not take drugs and not smoke.
The familial part means that it is a genetic/inherited thing. There is around a 50% chance that a child of a Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy sufferer will also have Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
More details (Links)
- The Cardiomyopathy Association (Charity):
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy on Patient UK:
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy on Wikipedia:
Technorati Tags: dilated, cardiomyopathy, dcm, heart, familial, genetic
(p.s. I mentioned Reiki… I’ll be looking to do a Reiki Level 2 course some point soon, because I feel that it is a beneficial meditation/relaxation/healing technique)
Its cool that Sun have bought MySQL for $1 Billion (USD) as announced in the “winds of change are blowing” post over on the Sun blogs. Its also interesting as there are a few people at Sun looking into Semantic Web technologies, could this mean some additions to MySQL to make it more useful on the Data Web?
However, the acquisition news is definitely going to overshadow the other bit of news, which is far more exciting:
And finally, this acquisition will kickstart a new set of investments Sun will be making into the academic community. Why universities? As we continue to invest in open source software development across the world, it’s apparent that nearly all roads lead to academic environments - and it’s high time we (as an industry) started watering the trees at their roots. It’s one thing to say you’re committed to education, it’s another to put your money where your mouth is. Within the next 60 days, Greg will be announcing a new set of global research fellowships designed to advance the state of engineering on the internet. (Stay tuned on this blog, and on Greg’s, for updates.)
See, so cool! I’ll be definitely checking it out, especially if it may go in line with some of the things I’ll be doing during my masters next year. I am very glad that companies are starting to see the value in “watering the trees at their roots”!
Technorati Tags: sun, mysql, acquisition, university, academic
Just had a link about the Semantic Web, from a rather different blog post. I have artificial intelligence feeds come in to Mail, and one of them is the Singularity U feed (the research on AI within the Singularity field tends to be a little
controversial, in comparison to the AI that you get from Universities)… but anyway… the guy from Singularity U (and SciVestor) is quoted on an InfoWorld article “Semantic Web takes big step forward“. Mentions that the business models that surround adverts on websites will have to change because Software Agents could start finding information for you, and won’t be interested in Google Ads.
I thought I would share that link with you, and also mention that I find it a bit weird that a Singularity guy is talking about the Semantic Web.
Technorati Tags: internet, web, advertising, semanticweb, singularity
In recent benchmark tests by Christian Becker show OpenLink Virtuoso being top of the table of RDF Stores. This was on a computer with pretty average specifications.
And then you put it in a Cloud Computing environment such as Amazon EC2: Zoooooooom!
Why use any other RDF Store? (seriously, I’d love to know if you are using something else because you feel that is superior in some way — send me an email with your reasons for using something else)
The Benchmark Report is available online: “RDF Store Benchmarks with DBpedia”
Technorati Tags: rdf, rdfstore, rdfserver, virtuoso, benchmark
Having problems with my internet connection, and getting a little stressed at living (and working) in a Bedsit type thing!
Today is not a good day, so I apologise in advance if I seem a bit snappy today. My mood is going to be affected even more because I have a hospital appointment on Friday and its hard to not think about it.
At least I am doing something about the living in a Bedsit thing; I’ll be moving to a nice (and spacious) flat in Bristol at some point in May, and I’ll be able to have separate Living, Cooking, Sleeping and Working spaces. I can’t wait until May is here (but at the same time I am going to miss Oxford).
This week is a bit weird, but no doubt I’ll be back on track next week. I’ll try my best to power my way through this week.
I’m sorry, a bit of a rant in this blog post. Sometimes I just need to virtually scream. I’m sure you (the reader) also get similar days/weeks.
Technorati Tags:
Hi all,
I am so surprised about how the BarCamps are doing, there are so many this year! I am co-organising three of the UK ones (SemanticCampLondon, BarCampOxford and BarCampBristol2)
The sign-ups for SemanticCampLondon have now Closed, but if you are interested we will still be uploading notes, videos and slides on the SemanticCampLondon homepage. SemanticCampLondon will be at Imperial College on the 16th and 17th of February 2008. It is sponsored by OpenLink Software, Osmosoft, Talis and BBC Backstage.
BarCampOxford is likely to be late April or early May 2008. We are in the middle of organising this, and looking for a location and sponsors.
BarCampBristol2 is likely to be in early November 2008. I’ve just started planning this, and I’ll need some co-organisers to help out.
If you are interested in helping any of the events, or just turning up then please do visit the relevant website.
- BarCamp Homepage
- BarCampOxford on BarCamp Site
- BarCampBristol2 on BarCamp Site
- SemanticCampLondon on BarCamp Site
- SemanticCampLondon Homepage
Sponsors websites:
- OpenLink Software
- Talis
- Osmosoft
- BBC Backstage
Technorati Tags: barcamp, barcampoxford, barcampbristol2, semanticcamplondon, uk, unconference
When I was in Further Education College doing my various certificates and qualifications in Computer Science I was really drawn towards Psychology and Philosophy. So much so that I started reading about them, and almost did a joint degree in Software Engineering and Psychology (instead I did Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems at Oxford Brookes). In fact, after my undergraduate degree I was drawn to the masters in “Mind, Brain and Learning” at Oxford Brookes University.
This phase has come and gone several times since, often incorporating Religion in to the mix too. Well this phase has come back to me, and even stronger than before. I would love to do one of the Online Philosophy Courses at Oxford University, but probably shouldn’t due to a lack of money. The “Philosophy of the Mind” and the “Theory of Knowledge” courses particularly interest me.
I should imagine that I’ll be getting a big dose of philosophy and psychology in the Masters degree which I shall be starting this October (in Machine Learning and Data Mining, at Bristol University). I am really looking forward to it, and seeing if I can apply the philosophies and technologies which I learn about to the semantic web & future web (Web 3.0+) and vice versa.
Technorati Tags: education, learning, philosophy, psychology, intelligent, systems