# Bad Water, Late Night and Object-Oriented PHP
The title sums up my current status.
The water out of the tap is currently tasting nasty, even when I make a cup of tea with it! I think it is some kind of softness (chlorine or fluorine or something)… it is horrible. So I am drinking milk, and trying my best to put up with the water taste when I need it.
I am currently having a bit of a late night, mainly because I can’t sleep. My adrenaline is going crazy because there is some news that I am waiting for tomorrow which could change the path ahead if the news is good news. I will no doubt tell you (the reader) about it if it is good news. It is messing with my head (i.e. can’t sleep), and I am sure that I will just end up falling into a very deep sleep.
During this late night I decided to do some work on Google Maps, and I have chosen to do this in PHP 4, but with an Object Oriented style. It is quite surprising how much making things Object Oriented clears the “messy look” that PHP tends to have…. however… saying that, PHP does not have a clean looking Object Model, but it will do, this is mainly because PHP is a weakly typed dynamic programming language and could not really give a very strict representation of inheritance instantiation (which can be provided in Ruby (a strongly typed dynamic programming language) and Java (a strongly typed static programming language)). It is nicer doing things in OO, I do look forward to functional programming coming into the mainstream (which will probably happen when Fortress is released)
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Daniel of Vanir Systems and Incense And Things
Technorati Tags: water, late, oo, php, incense