I’m quite tired as it’s quite late and I’ve been working on the new site all evening. But, I have just released it! It’s called lc8n.eu
The site is a web application which acts a bit like a URL Shortener, but for locations instead. It forwards you to a map of a particular location.
Heres an example of where I am:
* https://lc8n.eu/a
It’s at the very beginnings of it’s life, and I’m planning to do a lot with it. I hope you enjoy using it! You can use it like this (via twitter):
“Hi everyone. I’m currently located here: https://lc8n.eu/a , quite tired because I’ve been working on the new site all evening.” - https://twitter.com/danieljohnlewis/status/5993518753
As I say. It is quite early on in its life, so if you have any thoughts, comments or bugs that you’ve spotted then please do get in touch. I’ll be more than happy to answer.