I’ve just found a wonderful blog post which is a tutorial (with downloadable source code) about producing valid XHTML 1.0 Strict using TinyMCE. Very useful indeed for those people like me who love standardisation.
Go get it here:
“How to produce XHTML 1.0 Strict markup with TinyMCE” - https://www.gethifi.com/blog/how-to-produce-xhtml-10-strict-markup-with-tinymce (written by Josh Lockhart of HiFi fame)
I have recently used this for something that I am working on and thought that I’d share my happiness with the world about XHTML Strict code through a Javascript-based HTML editor such as TinyMCE. Of course we have WYMeditor, which are quite good and provide XHTML strict straight out of the box but it needs a bit more work to enable it to be production-ready.