
Spirituality and Healing


In addition to being able to write and tutor about Spirituality and Healing, Daniel can also provide spiritual and healing services for all those who need them.

Daniel is a Reiki Practitioner (Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage – attuned in 2007), and can put either a secular or a Christian flavour on to his practice. He also has an understanding of Christian Sacraments, and can provide Christian Spiritual healing through Mystic Laying on of Hands. He was Baptised and Confirmed (both as an adult) in 2007 in an Anglican Church in Oxford. He has also started some Meditation during Lunchtime schemes at some workplaces, and was briefly a member of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Finally, he is a regular attendee at the Greenbelt Festival.

Services Provided

Daniel can offer the following services:

He hopes to be able to provide other spiritual/religious services in the future.

Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more, and to discuss potential avenues for investigation.