# I’ve been accepted!
I have been accepted on to the: “MSc in Advanced Computing (Machine Learning and Data Mining)” postgraduate degree at the University of Bristol!
I feel so pleased, and so hyper about it - its fantastic… because Bristol University is a wonderful university, and it recently achieved 3rd best in the country in the Times Online for computer science. It is also a traditional university, but that is not why I chose to apply - as I believe that ex-polytechnics (such as my ol’ university - Oxford Brookes) are just as good as traditional universities.
During my masters I will be reading within the following areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming (Symbolic AI and using Prolog)
- Machine Learning (using WEKA)
- Evolutionary Computing (such as Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming)
- Computational Intelligence
- Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics Algorithms
- Computational Neuroscience (including Artificial Neural Networks and aspects of Psychology and Neuroscience)
- Learning from Structured Data (including advanced Bayesian algorithms and Progol development)
- Pattern Analysis and Statistical Learning
I’ll also have to do a Masters Dissertation on a related subject, I have some ideas for a topic already (and have done for quite a while). These dissertations are usually between 15,000 and 20,000 words - I think.
I’m looking forward to starting!
p.s. If anyone is willing to fund me through the course then please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you.
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