# Tale of an ODE
Tale of an ODE
by Daniel Lewis (Written: 10th July 2008) (in the Style of Geoffrey Chaucer… so it is in Pseudo-Middle-English)
Some knoweth the power of Semmantic Webbe,
Many knoweth of the visioun, but,
How many a webbe user and oother folk
cantel what an triple actually means,
somme thenk it was out of the develes ers.
Onne day, did they say to OpenneLinkke,
Creatus an marvelos extensionne for our browser,
Anne so they did, and they called it ODE.
ODE was an fine extensionne which did shewen them,
who did not believer in Linkke Data.
ODE soonne past from mouthe to mouthe,
and became well knowen in many a circle,
That webbe user could nower understandde what,
Linkke Data means, and they kneweth that it
was not out of beelzebubbes back sidde,
but was the future of the webbe, yet nothing newwe.
I hope you liked the poem
The OpenLink Data Explorer Browser Extension has now been rele