Blog Posts of PeaceRugby & Social Networking

# Pointless Browser Plugins

technological @ 07 September 2007

Dear media companies (Microsoft, Adobe, etc),

I will not install your plugins to run things such as Silverlight and AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime). Please don’t promote these products. Fair enough if you want to build javascript libraries and IDEs (integrated development environments) for these libraries, but do not put users or developers through installing extra things when you can make things almost (if not totally) exactly the same in plain XHTML and Javascript.

Many thanks,


Dear web developers,

You should know better if you are thinking about developing your next web application in Microsoft Silverlight. Flash is bad enough.

Please think about accessibility, cross-browser operation and standardisation. Search Engines aren’t going to like these formats either.

Dear businesses thinking about getting a website,

Make sure your developer/designer does not choose Silverlight. It will not be good for your business, especially in respect to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation - search engines, such as Google, like very nicely formatted HTML/XHTML pages)… you are going to be missing all that lovely information for search engines to crawl over if you hide your site behind Silverlight. Please do not use Silverlight.

Many thanks


Dear Graphic Designers,

Don’t make the mistake of thinking Silverlight or Flash is cool. On the web information is more important than how things look, just remember that. Good use of standa