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# Ruby good for RDF

academic, technological @ 13 March 2007

Everybody I tell this to seem to be shocked, I have changed the programming language and tool that I am using from:

  • Java with Sesame Repository


  • Ruby with Redland

This means I am currently going through a complete re-write of my undergraduate project —- 2 weeks before it has to be handed in. But I have done this for several reasons:

  • I know Ruby like the back of my hand, and can develop in it quickly
  • Ruby is a nice language that programs can be developed in quickly
  • Ruby has a binding into Redland
  • Redland is a very quick RDF and Semantic Web library/tool, and it is very stable
  • Ruby is a functional object oriented language, and it will be interesting to dive into more of the functional side of it (as an external bit of research to my undergraduate project)
  • Ruby has Ruby On Rails, which is an excellent Ruby Library for developing web applications. My project is a web app.
  • Ruby has excellent webservices tools, which will be useful when connecting to web 2.0 sites.

One nice thing I have noticed is comparing a simple ruby file that makes an RDF file, with the RDF file. Look at the sizes:

filename filesize type
foaf.rb 920 Bytes Ruby Program
foaf.rdf 1452 Bytes FOAF/RDF Document